Sa Huỳnh

What is Sa Huynh

The Sa Huỳnh culture was a culture in modern-day central and southern Vietnam that flourished between 1000 BC and 200 AD. Archaeological sites from the culture have been discovered from the Mekong Delta to Quang Binh province in central Vietnam. The Sa Huynh people were most likely the predecessors of the Cham people, an Austronesian-speaking people and the founders of the kingdom of Champa (by wikipedia)

According Wikipedia there are 1,300,000 Cham people, most in Cambodia next in Vietnam and all around the world including U.S.A.


Housing, clothes, married, holiday celebration, langue ..


Farming, wearer, brick, clay china, trade, boat, carving...


Adat Cham, Tamil Shaivism, Islam, Buda, Cao Dai...